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Small fruits with velvety skin and soft, meaty flesh. Delicate, sugary flavour
Cactus Figs
Oval shaped cactus fruits, with soft and juicy flesh, slightly sweet flavour
Round, small, juicy fruits with crunchy, seedless flesh and a very sweet flavour
Fruit with a unique, sweet taste, soft and chewy texture and littered with slightly crunchy, edible seeds
Fibrous, greenish-brown skin and bright green with tiny, black seeds. It has a soft texture with a sweet and unique flavour
Rounded and slightly elongated, with thick yellow skin. The pulp is pale yellow, juicy and with an acid flavour
Mandarins Ciacu
Round, small, juicy fruits with thinner, looser skin and sweet flavour
Large round fruits with meaty, very sweet flesh and sugary flavour
Round fruits, like a smooth-skinned peach, with sweet flesh
Round fruits with a longitudinal furrow, with meaty, sugary flesh
bright red to deep purple on the outside and a musty yellow color inside, with a sweet, mild plum flavor
Red Oranges
Round, medium-sized, juicy fruits with an intense red colour and a sweet and sour flavour.
Small fruits with a bright colour and a particularly sweet flavour
Large rounded fruits, thick skin and watery, sugary flesh
More in this category: Tablegrapes »

Schiavone Group

Society of fruits and vegetables, national and international distribution.

Headquarter: 099 888 9012

099 331 3729


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